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The leader in innovative technology applications

Quad Cities Phoenix Flow Totalizer™ Ready for Testing

RSI recently completed the refurbishment of two previously decommissioned Kimmon drip meters to meet the Quad Cities Chemistry Department’s needs for accurate and reproducible flow totalization required for corrosion product monitoring. The Phoenix retrofit process incorporates state-of-the-art flow totalizing components into the drip meter housing itself. The Phoenix flow totalizer uses the same flow and totalizing components as the field proven RSI Model 1000 and Model 2000 Corrosion Product Samplers.

Most importantly, the Phoenix Flow Totalizer™ maintains form, fit, and function —and therefore no engineering changes are necessary to bring these samplers back to life.

The retrofit process required a customized faceplate, which was designed and fabricated using 3D printing technology on-site at RSI’s manufacturing facility.

Date : 5/18/2020